Archive of Journal
Volume 75, Issue 3, Mar. 2019


Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.10

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Abstract: Abstract. As a result of the development of the information economy, the network economy can be considered as a direct demand, demand of the sixth technological mode.Network economy means specific economic relationships between people for the purpose of distributing, exchanging, consuming and displaying a variety of products and services by using the internet, the interconnection network of multilevel structures organized between economic agents, providing fast connection between demand and offer, a form of economic activity based on global e-commerce. The expansion of the networks economy, of course, also requires to the increase in the volume of e-commerce (e-commerce). E-commerce is the purchase of goods and services through electronic communication channels, by using the Internet, and computer technology. The role of virtual and online stores is great in the implementation of e-commerce. The volume of e-commerce in the world is increasing. About 10 percent of the worlds trade is in e-commerce, and this proportion is increasing. The volume of e-commerce in the CIS, including Azerbaijan, is not at a high level yet.This is because of several problems. For the solution of these problems, recently many works have been carried out in the direction of e-commerce development. Legislative base has been established, a number of works have been done to promote online commerce and so on.

Author(s): PhD and Associate Professor Ismailov Ismail Elman


Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.3

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Abstract: The paper develops dynamic and mathematical models of the physical inclined pendulum. The motion equations of a pendulum are solved by a stage-by-stage consideration method. The motion laws and amplitudes of oscillations, coordinates of the stagnation zone and their graphical representations are analyzed and discussed. The expressions of oscillation characteristic: period, amplitude, decrement of damping oscillations, quality of a pendulum are determined and considered depending on the angle of inclination and length of the thread, radius of the pendulum ball, rolling friction coefficient and other system parameters. For practical applications, working formulas have been found for determining the rolling friction coefficient at rest, the dynamic rolling friction coefficient and the rolling friction coefficient at the stagnation zone. As an example, the values of the coefficient of rolling friction of solid steel on steel are given. The investigation results can be used to develop new educational laboratory work, to design and create new instruments for determining rolling friction coefficients used in mechanical engineering.

Author(s): Zharilkassin Iskakov


Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.9

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Abstract: With the crisis faced in mathematics performance in South Africa, teacher-training institutions are urged to produce mathematics teachers who are grounded in the content discipline. Consequence, teacher educators and researchers are paying particular attention to mistakes students make when learning mathematics concepts with the aim to provide appropriate remedial strategies in order to improve students’ content discipline knowledge. In this study, researcher explain mistakes of (n=31) first pre-service mathematics teachers. The data was collected using activity sheets and interviews. The activity sheets was used in order to analyse their written work with the aim to interrogate their responses. Interviews were used in order to interrogate their thought processes of the solution provided. The findings showed that while matrices are considered a concrete concepts, the mistakes displayed by pre-service mathematics teachers are systematics and emanate from underlying belies of working with real numbers. Thus, indicate prevalent errors and misconceptions. The findings further showed that the lack of procedural and conceptual knowledge of computing real numbers was the main source of the identified errors and misconceptions. Based on the findings the recommendations is that in order to help pre-service mathematics teachers build a strong foundation of abstract matrix algebra there is a needy to remedy errors and misconceptions of matrices.

Author(s): Zanele Ndlov


Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.7

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Abstract: The article analyses how L.Tieck understood the phenomena of the traditional narratives. The article discusses the views Tieck had upon the chapbook, and its adaptations in his works, particularly the drama based upon popular material. Three of his dramatic works of that type, �Life and death of the St. Genivieve� (1800), �Emperor Octavian� (1808) and �Fortunatus� (1815), especially the first one, initiated new genres of German Romantic drama called Universaldrama (drama of the universe), which are typologically close to mystery play. Tieck\\\'s literary program combined both the rejection of contemporary mass literature and the productive replacement of it with examples of new Romantic art. The contradiction between reality and fiction, which is accentuated in Tieck\\\'s comedies, weakens in his Universaldramen. The main theme of his plays is the interpretation of religion as a way to comprehend the world. The poet creates a kind of genre complex, where the drama of historical process is ironically removed. This is the basic principle of his two first big plays � �Life and death of the St. Genivieve� and �Emperor Octavian�. His last play, �Fortunatus� is, however, rather a generalizing \\\"ironic construct\\\" which combines elements of several traditional genres and, at the same time, is a parody of the genre he created.

Author(s): Tatiana A. Zotova

Improvement of hydrodynamic and physico-chemical properties of sandy soil by the mud of the dam of Foum el gherza (Biskra-Algeria)

Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.1

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Abstract: The objective of this study is the improvement of physical, chemical and hydrodynamic properties of sandy soil and valorization of the mud. The experiment is made out in pots of vegetation with increasing amounts of the mud and in presence of a barley crops. The results show a remarkable effect of the mud on the sand amended compared to the control. The addition of the mud to sandy soil increased the holding capacity and the useful reserve and decreased the infiltration. The improvement of the hydrous properties resulting from a reduction in the macroporosity and increase in microporosity as well as the improvement of the fertility of soil, have a direct consequence on the development of plant. Indeed, the growth of barley (height of stem and tiller number) and dry matter yield are clearly improved according to amounts of the mud. The EC of the soil increases slightly with the increase in the amounts but it is not significant except with the treatment 100% mud. Through the statistical results, the treatment 15% represents the best amount.

Author(s): Ali MASMOUDI, Halima MANCER Djamel BOUCETTA

The Influence of Leadership Empowerment on the Teachers Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.2

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Abstract: The performance of Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Junior High School: henceforth abbreviated as SMP) mostly cannot be categorized as productive in Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia. If such a condition does not get a serious attention, there will be manifold school agendas that cannot be achieved so that the school cannot be productive. This study examines the teacher's improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (henceforth abbreviated as OCB) through principal's Adaptive Transformative Leadership, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction. The population of this study is 2697 people. The sample is 367 teachers. The data of this study are in form of teacher's perception about principal's leadership, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and organization citizenship behaviour which are gained from questionnaire and documentation study. The data have been analysed by implementing ANOVA and multiple linear regression. The current study applied Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 22.0. The result of this study indicates that a) the adaptive transformative leadership correlates by 0.719 with teacher's OCB. It indicates that the higher adaptive transformative leadership value means the higher level of teacher's OCB with 51% determination. b) The organizational commitment correlates by 0.675 with teacher's OCB with 46% determination. c) The job satisfaction correlates by 0.694 with teacher's OCB with 48% determination. d) All in all variable, the adaptive transformative leadership, the organizational commitment, and the job satisfaction correlate by 0.773 with teacher's OCB variable with 60% determination. The improvement of OCB value is an aspect that will support the optimal achievement of management process in education, so the school can be productive. The result of this study is useful to arrange establishment program through the principal and the teacher of SMP in order to improve teacher's OCB.

Author(s): Supriyanto Dj. Manguntaruno


Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.5

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Abstract: The 15th-century German texts about Vlad III Dracula are both the result and the instrument of a political campaign. The connection between the original text and its further genre modifications can be traced through their shared features in vocabulary and grammatical constructions. A notable feature of the entire genre paradigm of data is the frequency of using the causative construction lassen+infinitive: none of 15th-century German texts of various genres demonstrate such an abundance of these constructions. This feature could be explained by the fact that the original German text was translated from Latin. The frequency of lassen+infinitive in the texts under research could have been a reflection of Latin syntactic features (subject-less clauses) in the language of the first German source, followed by further transfer of this feature into later German texts about Dracula of other genres (poem, chronicle, Volksbuch). Furthermore, it is possible to assume that the compilers of manuscripts, which served as an outline for further texts of different genres, distinguished, under the influence of Latin, between a simple active clause and a causative construction with a second agent as the subject. In general, the frequency of lassen+infinitive, uncharacteristic of German texts, can be explained by the uniqueness of the original \\\\\\\"History of Dracula\\\\\\\" and all texts that were derived from it. At the same time, the occurrence of this construction indicates links between these texts.

Author(s): Alexandra Kashperskaya, Maria Erykina


Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.8

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Abstract: Coal is a very heterogeneous solid originating mainly from plant material. Coal is a major source of energy and its quality also depends on its elemental composition. Some elements present in coal can be environmentally hazardous when the coal is burned. In recent years, in the countries using a coal as the main source of energy the issue in the field of environment and ecology has become much stronger than in previous years. The international community began to demand tough measures in the field of non-proliferation of air pollution from the combustion of coal carbon dioxide and other toxic gases in the air. In this case, along with the determination of physical and chemical properties of coal and coal ash, there are quickly need to identify some hazardous elements as sulphur, titan and ash that is harmful to the environment. To fulfill such demands and needs recent years have seen rapid developments and applications of x-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques in the coal industry. This study concerns sulphur and ash contents of coal samples from Mongolia and Czech Republic by using XRF, which offers several unique advantages over other analytical methods.

Author(s): Baimolda D., Cechak T., Yerzhenbek B, Tlebaev K.B.


Volume 75, Mar 2019
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.3.4

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Abstract: Oil palm production plays a significant role in the economic development of Thailand. Oil palm is now recognized as an important part of the Thai government’s policy on biofuel production as a renewable energy source. Surat Thani, a southern province of Thailand has the largest private sector collaboration for developing plantations for oil palm production. The province has experienced low production yields. This leads to the question: how to improve productivity, increase yields and maintain the quality of oil palm production without expanding land use. Currently, there is a lack of research on improving productivity of the seed industries from the private sector in Thailand. Therefore, this research paper aims to measure technical efficiency (TE) in private sector of oil palm seed production based on the concept of data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. The data was collected in 2017 from 18 private sectors as selected by license under the Plant Act, B.E.1975 and amended. The results will highlight the probably of increasing efficiency levels of oil palm seed production and reveal valuable information on the technical efficiency which will be useful for government, researches, and the private sector.

Author(s): Jongdoen Sathinee, Wongchai Anupong, Peng Ke-Chung


Volume 75, Mar 2019

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Abstract: The study examined constraints of adoption of information & communication technology (ICT) among employees of local government areas for sustainable development in Ebonyi State-Nigeria. The study employed content analysis approach to achieve the objectives of the study. The study sought to ascertain the degree of constraints of adoption of ICT among the employees of local government areas in Ebonyi State. However, it is hypothetical that adoption of ICT can propel sustainable development in local government areas of Ebonyi State. Dwelling on the gains that timely exchange of information, relevant data management at the local government area in provision of service at the grass root may be hampered because of underutilization of ICT facilities among employees and competition will continue to be a nightmare without the adoption of ICT. In order to have a good foundation upon which the study rest, technology adoption theory propounded by Everett Rogers (2003) theories of Innovation and Diffusion was adopted. The major interest of the theory is to elucidate the irresistible power of ICT to propel sustainable development in local government areas of Ebonyi State. Following from the assumption of the theory and its focus the constraints of adoption of ICT emerged. It is the findings of the study that power, competence and funding have continued to be recurrent decimal. Consequently, the study recommends that administrators of local government may explore the opportunities of adoption of ICT in order to achieve sustainable development in local government areas of Ebonyi State.

Author(s): Nwele Anaemelechi O., Ezekwe Emmanuel A.