Ponte Academic Journal
Oct 2019, Volume 75, Issue 10


Author(s): Zilibele Mtumane

J. Ponte - Oct 2019 - Volume 75 - Issue 10
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.10.1

This article analyses some names of characters in G. B. Sinxo\\\'s novel; UNomsa. The names that are considered are \\\'Nomsa\\\', \\\'Themba\\\', \\\'Nongendi\\\', \\\'Velesazi\\\'and \\\'Nomashwa\\\'. These labels are discussed with regard to their derivation, meaning and the role played by the persons who bear them in the story. They are also considered with regard to the personality, character and behaviour of these imaginary persons. It is considered whether the characters play roles that point to the meaning of these designations in the narrative and whether these names point to the personalities and behaviours of the characters in the narrative. It is also investigated whether the titling of characters has any connection with the naming of children in the culture of amaXhosa or Africans in general. The significance of labelling characters is dealt with as part of the introductory section of this study. All this is discussed under the sections; introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis and conclusion. It is in the analysis section where the actual names are discussed, with the subheadings; Nomsa, Themba, Nongendi, Velesazi and Nomashwa. These subheadings mark the character names discussed in this discourse. Under conclusion a summary of the study, evaluation and recommendations are provided.\\r\\nKeywords: G. B. Sinxo, UNomsa, names, characters.
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