Ponte Academic Journal
Sep 2018, Volume 74, Issue 9


Author(s): B. B. Chitsamatanga ,Nasila. S. Rembe

J. Ponte - Sep 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 9
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.9.3

Elections do not begin and end with the act of casting a ballot paper on the day of elections: it represents a process that starts long before, and continues after, the election has been held. It is a process of renewal and sustainability of democracy itself; reaffirmation of faith in its institutions; allocation of resources and power; and therefore, a means for ensuring stability that underpins democratic governance and socio-economic development of the people and the continent. This article focuses on the causes of electoral violence; how too often elections are marred by volatile political environments during the campaign period and on the day of election; fraud and corruption; and suppression of dissent. The article further highlights that despite well prescribed national, regional and international norms, principles and standards which should be understood and adhered to by all parties, elections continue to be marred by violence; winner-takes-it-all syndrome and lack of credibility by the electoral commission. The article further sheds lights on how the youth on the African continent remain ostracised in terms of involvement in the election process and how they are used as scapegoats to promote the political and humanitarian crises. The article overall findings are that, lack of peace during elections has the ghastly effect of unleashing death, human suffering and material damage (some of which spills over to successive government administrations) and lawlessness which creates a fertile ground for further violation of human rights. The recommendations are: There is need to foster dialogue for peaceful resolution of conflicts; engaging in high impact research which address deeply embedded issues arising from the nomination and campaign process; promoting ethical conduct during the campaign period. The organisation and conduct of peaceful, free and fair democratic elections which is well prescribed by national, regional and international norms, principles and standards should be understood and adhered to by parties. Lastly, government institutions and officials, civil society awareness and empowerment on how democracy, democratic institutions and processes work is critical.
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