Ponte Academic Journal
Apr 2017, Volume 73, Issue 4


Author(s): Samygin Denis ,Baryshnikov Nikolaj, Vinnichek Lyubov, Glasunov Ivan

J. Ponte - Apr 2017 - Volume 73 - Issue 4
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2017.4.44

In scientific research the problem of the state support of farms of Russia which is shown in disproportions of structure of subsidizing of farmers rises. Based on structural diagnostics it is revealed that the considerable specific weight among budgetary appropriations is occupied by support of financing of agrarian production. By logical analytics it is proved that today in case of low availability of the credits to landowners, the specified measures limit farmers in receipt of budgetary funds. On the basis of methodological generalization of scientific research it is shown that for forming basic other approach to subsidizing it is necessary to perform optimization of measures of support taking into account their efficiency what in world practice methods of the quantitative analysis are applied to. With use of economic-mathematical tools and packets of application programs econometric models of influence of the budget transfers on development of farmers in forms of subsidizing are received and on the basis of the received coefficients of regression the model of optimization of structure of support of farmers which in the new type will allow to increase efficiency of agricultural production is constructed, to increase the economic importance of country farms, to keep the social status of the rural territories.
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