Ponte Academic Journal
Jul 2020, Volume 76, Issue 7


Author(s): Aldabergenova Aiym Aldabergenovna ,Gizdatov Gazinur Gabdullavich

J. Ponte - Jul 2020 - Volume 76 - Issue 7
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.7.11

The article represents modern culturological concepts in their application to current Kazakhstani discourse. A special place in the article is occupied by the newest European studies of the medial space. In addition, the article considers methodological aspects of the study of cultural codes in modern philological research. The interpretation of a cultural code as a matrix, through which a person perceives and evaluates the world. It allows to see its key constant, the meaning. In this paper, the deconstruction method is designated as the basic principle of text analysis, revealing the internal inconsistency of any text. Text is not only the traditional print and literary examples, but also the form of speech which is represented in theater, cinema, performance, discourse of school textbooks, repertoire policy of the theaters. Moreover, text is a form of language existence. The authors conducted a brief analysis of some trends in the post-Soviet Kazakhstani sociocultural space. Perspective methods of analysis were also identified. A special attention in the article was paid to the practice of critical discourse analysis applied to specific material. The authors’ elaboration of current Kazakhstani media practice is presented. In the interpretation of the authors of the article, the study of cultural codes is possible both in “horizontal representativeness” (all types of media) and in “vertical representativeness” (types of texts, parascientific works).
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