Ponte Academic Journal
Jul 2016, Volume 72, Issue 7


Author(s): Mikhail Basimov

J. Ponte - Jul 2016 - Volume 72 - Issue 7
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2016.7.37

Non-linear properties of the psychological phenomena basically dominate in a difficult psychological reality. We offer the new approach to understanding of the concept of statistical relation in psychological research, that gives use of a method of multiple comparison for quantile splittings of the data set (objects) on each measured psychological parameter. Thus, it is necessary to refuse meaningly preliminary promotion of a hypothesis about the form of the dependence (linear or any other concrete non-linear dependence). We will consider the program-realized method of classification of dependences. For classification are defined kinds of dependences: 11 for triads and 28 for quarters.
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