Ponte Academic Journal
Oct 2015, Volume 71, Issue 10

Redox Environment Puzzle, Pieces Fall in Place with Clinical Diagnostic

Author(s): Gregorio Mart?nez S?nchez

J. Ponte - Oct 2015 - Volume 71 - Issue 10

The methodology for detecting oxidative stress status at clinical level is hardly to be found in the literature. There are some useful methods for investigating the oxidative profile but they are not applicable to the clinical diagnostic. Worldwide in spite of having a high prevalence of illnesses in which Reactive Oxygen Species are involved (cancer, diabetes, etc.) an integral diagnostic systems have not been developed. It is also insufficient the education and preparation of the professional personnel (doctors and related health personnel) to face the analysis of the data that contributes to a antioxidant/pro-oxidant diagnostic and to impact in the modification of life habits and other measure directed to correct the redox disruption. In the CEIEB-IFAL-UH it was validate a group of analytic methods for the diagnosis of the oxidative stress. The validated analytic methodology was permit to establish the reference values in normal populations, an individualized diagnostic as base to establish the adequate medical prescription, to fallow the evolution of chronic oxidative disorder and follow the effect of nutritional or pharmacological intervention. The methodology include clinical marker of biomolecule damage, antioxidant enzymes, concentration of low level antioxidant and indicators of total antioxidant status. The analytic methodology was adaptable to micro and ultramicro analytic systems and was validated according to the international recommendations. Low cost, high precision, fast analysis and integral evaluation of the redox system in the main characteristic of those methods. The study of an extensive array of oxidative stress indices permitted the examination of the role of oxidative stress in diabetic patients with macroangiopatic complications, HIV subjects, patients with neurodegenerative disorders, dengue infected people, etc. Those results was publishes in international journals. An efficient introduction of those methods in clinic involves educational programs for physicians or health care personnel.
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