Ponte Academic Journal
Nov 2015, Volume 71, Issue 11

Electronic Textbooks: Are Developing Countries IT ? Ready?

Author(s): Hee Jeong Lee

J. Ponte - Nov 2015 - Volume 71 - Issue 11

Electronic textbooks (e-textbooks) are digitized form of textbooks which are able to substitute existing paper based textbooks. They are textbooks adapted to the national school curriculum. Despite available ICT technologies, traditional educational media such as textbooks has been largely unchanged. It is crucial for the relevant National Body or schools to address their IT Readiness and identify the technological challenges they might face, as well as identifying the decisions and the projects they need to launch in order to provide an educational advantage for students that may be applied nation-wide. In this paper we will demonstrate comprehensive assessment methodology to measure IT Readiness by self assessments which involve objective scoring. These assessments includes IT components necessary for the success of the widespread application of e-textbooks such as technology infrastructure, standardization, training of teachers and educational content. The assessment is followed by a framework that offers advice solutions for the preparation and usage of e-textbooks in the national curriculum of a developing country. The assessment method consists of three stages: The Developing Stage in which computers are supplied to schools and computer networks are built at the basic level. Basic evaluation for the application of electronic textbooks is conducted; The Takeoff Stage is reached when the construction of infrastructures required for the usage of e-textbooks in schools is completed. At this stage, prototypes of electronic textbooks are developed; pilot-testing is conducted at school. This is followed by the Expansion Stage, where the technical stability of the electrical textbook is enhanced and the existing infrastructure can be upgraded with new educational content and the distribution of e-textbook will be conducted.
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