Ponte Academic Journal
Jul 2014, Volume 70, Issue 7

Ecology of Loligo vulgaris wild planktonic paralarvae in the R?a de Vigo (NE Atlantic)

Author(s): Gonzalez AF, Otero J, Alvarez Salgado XA, Guerra A

J. Ponte - Jul 2014 - Volume 70 - Issue 7

Paralarvae distribution and abundance were studied in the common squid, Loligo vulgaris, by examining 367 specimens collected off the Ria de Vigo (NW Spain, NE Atlantic Ocean) for the period 2003-2005. A total of forty seven surveys?45 and 4 during daylight and at night, respectively- were undertaken to collect plankton and to obtain hydrographic samples. Four transects were studied in the inner and outer sides of the C?es Islands (Ria de Vigo, north-western Spain). Paralarvae were present all year round in this area with a peak of abundance located in spring-early summer. They were more abundant near the bottom at daylight and in surface waters at night. Furthermore, the number of specimens collected at night were much higher (maximum abundance of 43 paralarvae 1000m-3) than those obtained during daylight (maximum abundance of 7 paralarvae 1000m-3). Most of these specimens were captured in the outer part of the R?a. The relationship between chemical oceanographic data and the abundance of the larvae was also assessed.
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