Ponte Academic Journal
Oct 2015, Volume 71, Issue 10

Dentistry and Antibiotic Resistance: The Need to Set Guidelines and Improve Prescribing Practices


J. Ponte - Oct 2015 - Volume 71 - Issue 10

In the last decade, there has been an increasing interest in investigating antibiotic use by dentists. Aims: This study aims to evaluate 1) The degree of knowledge that the dental profession has, concerning therapeutic uses of antibiotics. Practices and knowledge of dentists worldwide will be assessed. 2) Deficits in our knowledge about antibiotics, and controversies about the correct use of antibiotics, will also be highlighted. Methods: A literature review was performed in Pubmed during May and June- 2008 using the keywords: antibiotics, dentistry, prescription. All articles that were written in English and which investigated dentists knowledge about antibiotics in different countries were reviewed. Results: A large gap in knowledge was found between dentists practicing in Europe and North America and dentists who work in developing countries. Defects in knowledge about antibiotics were mainly in the fields of: indications for the use of therapeutic antibiotics, duration of antibiotic therapy, and alternatives to penicillin in penicillin-allergic patients. Conclusions: More appropriate methods for dental treatment should be employed to reduce unnecessaary antibiotics consumption. These methods may include appropriate dental treatment, analgesic therapy, and education of the patient. The medical and dental schools should improve their curriculum of microbiology. Efforts should be united to counteract this problem by encouraging collaboration of experts and scientists as well as decision-makers worldwide.
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