Ponte Academic Journal
May 2014, Volume 70, Issue 5

Sustainability of Annotated Resources in Linguistics

Author(s): Georg Rehm, Andreas Witt, Erhard Hinrichs, Marga Reis

J. Ponte - May 2014 - Volume 70 - Issue 5

In practically all scientifi c fi elds the task of ensuring the sustainability of resources, data collections, personal research journals, and databases is an increasingly important topic ? linguistics is no exception (Dipper et al., 2006, Trilsbeek and Wittenburg, 2006). We report on ongoing work in a project that is concerned with providing methods, tools, bestpractice guidelines, and solutions for sustainable linguistic resources. Our overall goal is to make sure that a large and very heterogeneous set of ca. 65 linguistic resources will be accessible, readable, and processible by interested parties such as, for example, other researchers than the ones who originally created said resources, in fi ve, ten, or even 20 years time. In other words, the agency that funded both our project as well as the projects who created the linguistic resources ? the German Research Foundation ? would like to avoid a situation in which they have to fund yet another project to (re)create a corpus for whose creation they already provided funding in the past, but the ?existing? version is no longer available or readable due to a proprietary fi le format, because it has been locked away in an academics hidden vault, or the person who developed the annotation format can no longer be asked questions concerning specifi c details of the custombuilt annotation format (Schmidt et al., 2006).
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