Ponte Academic Journal
May 2018, Volume 74, Issue 5


Author(s): Dadashova Ramila

J. Ponte - May 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 5
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.5.14

To come to a conclusion when making the analysis of proposals on the reforms for reinforcement of the UN\'s activities in connection with changing historical and political situation is an actual problem. The new global problems emerged in the 90-es changed the character of UN operations.A few number of offers about reforms have been proposed in connection with their carrying out in the mechanism of prevention, solution to the regional conflicts. B.B.Qali, K.Annan note broadening the composition of the Security Council, preventing the veto right putting in order some conflicts. It is expedient to liquidate the veto right, to elect a representative of the Germany, Japan, India, Brazil, Turkey, Africa. It is possible to consider the thought of the High-level Group on Danger and Changes, to elect 8 members by a new category for period in 4 years as constant members of the Security Council. Problems discussed in the some organs must be brought to the General Assambly anew and must be decided with the majority of 3/2 voices. This rule will allow to affirm once again the sovereignty rights of the states represented in UN. Collaboration of the organizations having specialized, international finance institutes, non-governmental organizations with the General Assambly, Security Council, Economical and Social Council, Secretariat will promote carrying out efficiently peacemaking. The collaboration should be ashieved between the Security Council and International Court. If the Security Council can not define the aggression act, the International Court must implement this right. If the activities of the Military Staff Committee of UN strengthenes and if they have enough peace aim strength, the need in military power of the NATO will vanish.\r\nThe collaboration with the regional and subregional organizations must be implemented according to the VIIIth part of the Charter of UN. The greater state of a region will be able to work to implement special interests in the region. At the same time the regional organization cannot alone put in order conflicts.
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