Ponte Academic Journal
Jan 2018, Volume 74, Issue 1


Author(s): Gulden Eres

J. Ponte - Jan 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 1
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.1.3

It is suggested that the affected periodontal pockets of the patients with localized aggressive periodontitis (LAgP) contain a specific flora, composed of mainly non-adherent bacteria. Most of the bacteria comprising this specific flora are gram-negative anaerobic or capnophilic, and saccharolytic rods. Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), which is asaccharolytic, either has not been detected in LAgP at all or has been reported in very low quantities. Contradictory results are reported on the quantities of spirochetes in LAgP lesions. Besides many studies reporting that Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (A. actinomycetemcomitans) is one of the principal species causing LAgP, there are other studies reporting that it has not been detected in LAgP or has been detected in very low quantities. The objective of the study was to investigate the correlation between the prevalences of A. actinomycetemcomitans and of other recognized periodontopathogen species as well as spirochetes and bleeding upon probing in the regions, where the loss of attachment is observed in a group of patients with LAgP. Therefore, a study patient group was formed consisting of a total of 12 patients, comprising of 10 females and 2 males in the age range from 14 to 25, presenting for treatment to Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry, and who were diagnosed with LAgP. The patients were required not to have systemic diseases, not to have defective or overhanging restorations, and not to have a history of antibiotic use in the recent 3 months. The bleeding status of the patients, their pocket depths, and the degrees of attachment in the present pockets were identified, and then recorded. On the dental examinations, primarily, the bleeding status and the pocket depths as well as the degrees of attachment of the lesions demonstrated in the radiographies were identified and then recorded. After two weeks, by means of sterile paper cones, the samples of subgingival plaques were collected from the pockets deeper than 5 mm, which were present in the affected regions. Then, these samples were transferred to a 1 ml phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution. Following this process, the bacterial concentrations and the proportion of the spirochetes were determined by using a phase-contrast microscope. The remaining materials were investigated by the DNA-RNA blot hybridization method. The results were analyzed statistically. The results of the analysis demonstrate that higher frequencies of spirochetes and Fusobacterium nucleatum were detected in the pockets, where bleeding developed on probing in patients with LAgP. A. actinomycetemcomitans was detected intensely in these pockets contrary to what is expected.
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