Ponte Academic Journal
Apr 2016, Volume 72, Issue 4


Author(s): Mahd Ali Aljabali

J. Ponte - Apr 2016 - Volume 72 - Issue 4
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2016.4.2

Of the foundations of the faith every Muslim should know that God is watching and knows the details of what he is doing God said, "God were an observer" (Alnesaa: 1) and God said, "What utter words only has strong sergeant " (Qaf: 18) and, in an Hadeeth for Abu Barza Aslami: "Humans do not go away ahead until he asked in the Day of Resurrection about how he spent his age, his work what he did, his wealth from where he acquired it and spent it and his body", even if every Muslim sensed this talk he would reform his condition, then elevated Islamic community to what we aspire to of development and striving among the nations of the earth, and the greatest thing to protect against corruption is striving to charity rank identified by the Prophet -peace be upon him- which landmarks in an Hadeeth (talk) for Jibril peace be upon him, when he asked the Prophet peace be upon him: Jibril said: what is charity? he said God's peace be upon him " To worship Allah as though you see the were not deem it sees you."
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