Ponte Academic Journal
Dec 2019, Volume 75, Issue 12


Author(s): Tuntufye S Mwamwenda

J. Ponte - Dec 2019 - Volume 75 - Issue 12
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.12.18

Human growth and development, also commonly referred to as developmental psychology, may be defined as a systematic and scientific study of changes as observed socially, emotionally, intellectually, morally and physically in the lifespan of a human being, commencing from conception through to prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age (Mwamwenda, 2020; Doherty & Hughes, 2009). Human growth and development has its focus on the numerous changes and experiences from conception, being extended to his/her entire lifespan. Growth refers to increases in the sizes of the body and its various parts, both internal and external, or organisation of the whole organism. Development is used in reference to changes in functional differentiation and capabilities of bodily parts and the organism as a whole. Moreover, human growth as opposed to development maybe described as: Changes in a child’s size and weight to gradual quantitative changes that may be charted for physical and anatomical features. Weight gain, overall height changes, growth of head and limbs, and the changing size of the brain, heart and lungs are all parts of this process.
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