Ponte Academic Journal
Sep 2017, Volume 73, Issue 9


Author(s): Hasan Zeybek ,Ugurcan Akyuz

J. Ponte - Sep 2017 - Volume 73 - Issue 9
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2017.9.10

This study explores the unyielding desire for artistic expression from the very first cave paintings to contemporary art works, from the very first human to modern society and aims to provide a fresh perspective in the way the works of art are approached. In this respect, it aims to study the process of artistic expression between the artist and the work of art. The continuous evolution of human history from the cave to settled life followed by the technological age created as a result of the industrial revolution has created new means and conditions which have been the major shifts in the history of humanity. Although these shifts have created new materials, topics and methods in the creation and distribution of art, it did not alter the unyielding desire for artistic expression which is the primary topic of interest of this paper. In this respect, the consideration of the link between the artist and the work in the process of creation is categorized under a two stepped process. The first step of this analysis concentrates on the synthesis of all experience of the individual with respect to the belonging and attachment of the individual to the society, the geography and the artistic content produced in one�s perspective. This is followed by the second step in which this innate process gets materialized and a work gets produced. The inevitable dialectic relationship that occurs during the process of artistic expression where the work of art gets produced and while the artist becomes its producer is analyzed with regard to these processes. The meaning that finds form through this materialization is questioned in relation to what it means for both the work and the artist. Centuries long transformation has not altered the basic impulse that create the unyielding desire of artistic production which are termed to be the consciousness of mortality in any environmental condition of existence and getting to know one�s self, materialization of the astonishment towards the incomprehensibility of existence through art and making sense of self are the defined impulses which give rise to the processes of production. This paper aims to bring a comprehensive fresh perspective to the notion of unaltered artistic production of synthesized works of art and the continuity of artistic expression and the process of creation. Keywords: Modern Art, Artistic Expression, Artistic Process
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