Ponte Academic Journal
Feb 2018, Volume 74, Issue 2

Biometric Retinal Security System for User Identification and Authentication using GUI

Author(s): B.M.S.Rani ,A.Jhansi Rani

J. Ponte - Feb 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 2
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.2.3

Biometric verification system for personal identification in mobile devices is important research area. Biometric system is also a steady and accurate model for retina based recognition and identification. A graphical user interface (GUI) is a set of techniques and mechanisms used to create interactive communication between a program and a user. The significant favourable position of utilizing MATLAB is the graphical UI (GUI) which can contribute emphatically to comprehend the ideas easily. The pictorial demonstration present better comprehension of the ideas effortlessly. In this paper, a Geographical User Interface (GUI) with biometric verification framework has been proposed. It comprises of different MATLAB capacities identified with image processing and utilizing the similar to make an essential image processing editorial manager including various highlights. This application performs the following process. Initially the captured image is pre-processed by Adaptive Histogram Equalization (AHE) and Gaussian Filter. After that small elements are extracted by top hat transformation and Binary morphological reconstruction. KNNRF (K- Nearest Neighbour Random Forest) classifier is utilized for clustering the nearest image pixels. At last, minutiae technique is utilized for discovering bifurcation point angle and width of the blood vessel. After completing all process the image is compared with the database. The image verification process is valid then only user can access the smartphones. It enables high security, good performance and greater accuracy. Also it provides better FAR, FRR and decreases the error rate. Key terms:- Biometric Verification System, AHE, KNNRF, Gaussian Filter, Top hat transformation, Binary morphological reconstruction, Android Application Package.
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