Ponte Academic Journal
May 2017, Volume 73, Issue 5

Differential Sequences Generated by First-order Recursion Operators

Author(s): A Maharaj ,PGL Leach, K Andriopoulos

J. Ponte - May 2017 - Volume 73 - Issue 5
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2017.5.47

We discuss the differential sequence based upon the equation ww" -2w'^ 2 = 0 in terms of symmetry and singularity analyses. We find that the coefficients of the leading-order terms and the resonances obey certain structural rules. When we analyse the generalised equation ww"-(1-c)w'^2= 0, we find that the symmetry properties of the generalised sequence are the same as for the original sequence and that the singularity properties are similar.
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