Ponte Academic Journal
Apr 2018, Volume 74, Issue 4


Author(s): Cristina Paez Quinde ,Victor Hernandez del Salto, Javier Sanchez Guerrero, Veronica E. Chicaiza R., Mocha-Bonilla Julio A.

J. Ponte - Apr 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 4
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.4.6

Artificial vision is used in several areas, one of them is the fight against terrorism, the insecurity due to crime through efficient systems capable of recognizing strange or different situations of a routine, as well as vehicular traffic scenarios. The study shows how video surveillance in the detection of objects that are find moving is important for the detection of complex situations, aspects that should be considered such as the variation in lighting, shadow, background and disorder that show the video sequences. The detection and consequently the tracking of people and body parts of them is of high importance in the understanding of human tasks, the most used mechanism is the video surveillance different from the traditional in this case it is an automated and intelligent surveillance that allows it to become an active research area to the great demand of systems in large areas of massive concurrence of people such as airports, educational institutions at all levels, train stations, buses and at the same time massive events. In conclusion, the artificial vision is a great support within the surveillance networks, because they are monitored by specific personnel, who oversee large amounts of monitoring that are fed by the cameras, therefore, the use of artificial vision optimizes and at the same time makes the process of detecting daily routines effective.
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