Ponte Academic Journal
Dec 2016, Volume 72, Issue 12


Author(s): Christian Gray ,Maria Eugenia Zuniga Gonzalez

J. Ponte - Dec 2016 - Volume 72 - Issue 12
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2016.12.57

The graduate of the course of Visual Communication in Design from Universidad Tecnol�gica Metropolitana should have (apart from having the project, expressive and theoretical knowledge) a historical sensibility of visual communication, and a sensibility regarding social and cultural identity, so that the actions of the graduate have relevance when it comes to handling issues related to subjects such has heritage, identity and culture to create new creative concepts of design. The subject of Seminario de Expresi�n belongs to the last section of the area of Expression of the course, is part of the new pedagogical model of Universidad Tecnol�gica Metropolitana, based on learning goals, developing in the student critical thinking, transdisciplinary vision of knowledge and the exercise of abilities and skills needed so much for the "Know-How", as for "How to Be". Among the academic baselines accepted within the Universidad Tecnol�gica Metropolitana is one that proposes the study on values and devalues of the male and female Chilean being at present. Also proposes the orientation for the future design of people according to age, gender, considering, among other aspects, the obligatory role modeling of urban environments in a highly urbanized country.
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