Ponte Academic Journal
Sep 2019, Volume 75, Issue 9


Author(s): Prof Tuntufye S Mwamwenda

J. Ponte - Sep 2019 - Volume 75 - Issue 9
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.9.12

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development has been in existence for many years, as the best description of how people develop cognitively; irrespective of where they are born, or whatever race they claim to be. While the theory claims to be universal; research has shown that, this is not the case for any given group of people, when it comes to formal operations, which is the highest level of cognitive development. Based on the title of this Paper; Neo-Piagetian Perspective came into operation, following the passing on of Piaget. However, one is tempted to question what is new? The terminology used “Constructivism” meaning being actively involved in what a person is experiencing for him/her to develop cognitively. The answer is positive. That is fine. But is not the same thing that is inherent in his theory? Therefore this Paper argues that, it is the emphasis placed on constructivism more than before that makes the difference. Given such emphasis, this Paper aims at exploring and assessing: Constructivism: Neo-Piagetian Perspective, as understood today.
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