Ponte Academic Journal
Sep 2019, Volume 75, Issue 9


Author(s): Prof Tuntufye S Mwamwenda

J. Ponte - Sep 2019 - Volume 75 - Issue 9
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.9.11

The objective of this brief Paper was to share with academics and other colleagues outside Teaching at College and University both in Africa and other Continents in the World, where I have studied and taught at both College and University. As a result of this, I have written Educational Psychology: An African Update Perspective 4th Edition. It has been in circulation for the past three decades. I have used it as textbook in Botswana, Transkei, South Africa, Canada and USA. In this Paper am showing how fulfilling it has been using such a Book. I have argued why there is need for revision of every now and then, which is a given in most Western countries, but not necessarily in South Africa. Given my personal experience among some South African Publishers. Despite such hurdles, I am publishing Educational Psychology: An African Update Perspective 4 Edition. Normally, the First Edition should have been rather difficult to publish, given that the Author is rather a novice in the Publishing Industry. The second edition should be rather easier, in view of initial experience gained in writing; and easiest, as one goes on climbing the ladder. This has not been my experience in South Africa. In fact it commenced being difficult when I embarked on the Third Edition. Not that I had declined in writing skills, but because the Publishers did not see the need for the Third Edition. It took ten years to get it published. I thought this was the most difficult hurdle, for me as an Author! But wait for a moment, before concluding thus! With the current Edition, it took fifteen years. Blame it on the Publishers!
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