Ponte Academic Journal
Sep 2018, Volume 74, Issue 9

University Students Critical Logical Thinking and academic Performance in Kenya

Author(s): Prof Tuntufye S Mwamwenda ,Prof Priscilla Kariuki

J. Ponte - Sep 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 9
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.9.9

Abstract: The aim of this investigation was examine University Students� Critical Logical Thinking and Academic Performance in Kenya. This was motivated by research investigations which have shown that, successful academic performance among university students is closely associated with the extent to which, students engage in critical logical thinking. Participants in this study were randomly drawn from two undergraduate classes of second and third year students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The sample size comprised 139 females and 77 males, giving a total of 216 university students. A Group Assessment Logical Thinking Test consisting of ten multiple questions was administered to the sample.The second component of testing comprised a percentage composite score of assignments, tests and semester examinations in various Psychology courses. A t-test was employed to determine whether the means of the two groups of respondents were statistically significant. The results showed that, the means were statistically significant in favour of those who had attained critical thinking skills. t(214df, N216)=7.145, p< 0.001. Stated differently, those who had mastery over logical thinking� their academic performance was superior to those who were not in possession of such critical logical thinking skills. Educators profess that learning how to think critically is one of the most vital and indispensable components of learning. Yet specific tools for critical thinking are rarely provided to students.
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