Ponte Academic Journal
Oct 2020, Volume 76, Issue 10


Author(s): Sana Mahmoud Jarrar

J. Ponte - Oct 2020 - Volume 76 - Issue 10
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.10.11

The idea of fictional books for cancer patients grows within many writers when they or their loved ones face such a disease. Some of them find it as too close to their daily struggles. Thereby, they focus on finding hope through analyzing the levity of their own lives. The writers try to develop a sense of optimism. Hence, the following paper sheds light on describing the views of various writers on facing "cancer" through various innovative ways. Through their novels, the writers try to raise hope for the readers and many patients. The novels tackled in the paper are: John Green's The Fault in our Stars, Elizabeth He's How to Climb the Eiffel Tower, and Shirley Corder's Strength Renewed. The three writers deliver the message that Cancer can be conquered and beaten with hope and strong will. Keywords: Cancer, Patient, Hope, Struggle
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