Ponte Academic Journal
Sep 2018, Volume 74, Issue 9


Author(s): Vimolan Mudaly ,Kajal Singh

J. Ponte - Sep 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 9
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.9.4

This study set out to explore how a Critically Reflective approach to teaching and learning assists Business Studies English Second Language Learners’ in understanding terms exclusive to the subject. The objective of this study was to explore how an action research intervention can assist these learners in understanding Business Studies. This study was informed by the critical paradigm which sought to bring about change both professionally and social. The integration of the critical reflection theory and Kolb’s experiential learning theory were used as theoretical frameworks. Both theories were used for the purpose of improving teaching and learning by questioning the individual’s presuppositions. This study reveals how the teacher and learners’ gradually change their existing frame of reference by becoming questioning minds. Various data collection methods were employed to retrieve rich detailed information. Some of these methods included introspection, observation and feedback from participants. The findings reveal how English Second Language Learners (ESLLs) construct new knowledge and make meaning of concepts when exposed to visual aids. When ESLLs are exposed to resources that they can relate to, meaningful learning occurs.
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