Ponte Academic Journal
Aug 2017, Volume 73, Issue 8


Author(s): Cilen Ercin ,Harun Ozer

J. Ponte - Aug 2017 - Volume 73 - Issue 8
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2017.8.6

Abstract The quality and quantity of thinking and realization of a society's physical designs (architecture-engineering structures) reflects the value system of a society and elements of collective life. These values are influential in the design of the buildings that creates the physical system of the system as well as the planning, programming and financing of the education. These structures are cultural remains that reflect the whole life values of that society throughout the history of humanity. Anatolian geography has hosted numerous societies throughout its history, and establishing civilizations, it has been a land that stores its cultures. The formation and administration of the Turkish society took place in the period of transferring this culture influencing one another (1071-1980 AD). We will try to evaluate the development of the physical structure (architecture) of its education phenomenon formed by the social, administrative, economic and cultural influences of this period. For this reason, our point of view and approach on the settlement in the Anatolian geography will be within the philosophy of holistic thinking. By adding time dimension to the topic, the reflection of the educational system to the architectural design resulted from the analysis of the education-culture structure will be tried to be interpret related to social life, administration and economics. Within this period, we will have three sections as Anatolian Seljuks, Ottomans and the Republic of Turkey. In these three periods social, administrative, economic and cultural-educational structure of the society will be analyzed and given in a system. The information based on this analysis will be presented in period tables. Architectural interpretations of the educational buildings will be made and the visuals of the selected architectural works will be given as an example in the table. Furthermore, in the conclusion section, the evolution of building and environment designs will be given as a diagram. As a result, it will be determined that with the effect of the unchanged education, content and program (madrasa education) architectural solutions were stabled and templeted until the time of TC administration. Key Words: Education, Anatolia, Culture, Management, Economy.
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