Ponte Academic Journal
Jul 2017, Volume 73, Issue 7

Western and Chinese Realism: Bildungsroman at the Mirror

Author(s): Alberto Castelli

J. Ponte - Jul 2017 - Volume 73 - Issue 7
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2017.7.8

Due to the unique setting of Maoism, Chinese postmodernism is to be considered no much the end of modernity as it is the beginning of it. Post-1989 narrative enters a theoretical discourse which leaves aside the former ideological imprint and moves within the frame of realism. Different degrees of realism, impressionist, absurd, in the case of the male narrative, expressionist, tragic, when it comes to the female narrative, anti-allegorical and surrealist in its extremes. The object of the present study is to observe the Bildungsroman of the male narrative, highlighted by another novel of education, that of French modern realism. Both of them grounded on historical forces whose agent is a Darwinian struggle for life.
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