Ponte Academic Journal
Nov 2020, Volume 76, Issue 11


Author(s): Senni Rachida ,De Belair Gerard, Abdelkrim Hacene

J. Ponte - Nov 2020 - Volume 76 - Issue 11
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.11.13

Description of the subject: The study of the vegetal diversity of the wetlands of Zahrez Gharbi, Zahrez chergui, by subjective sampling and location of vegetation survey stations has made it possible to better understand this concept. Objective: In this study, the halophilic flora is the subject of a particular comment given the importance of salty environments that deserve attention because they represent a legacy of heritage interest and a camel grazing much sought after. Methods: For the characterization of the vegetation units, the phytoecological method has been chosen and will make it possible to evaluate the floristic diversity by analyzing the chorological and biological spectra to which the different inventoried units and species relate.The analysis of the vegetation involves first a floristic inventory followed by an exploitation of the floristic records. We carried out floristic surveys during the field campaigns from 2003 to 2012.The selection of the surveys is based on subjective sampling that takes into account the structure of the vegetation. Results:The statistical analysis by correspondence analysis under Statistica (6) for a data matrix of 170 surveys and 130 species shows three sets. The eigenvalues range from 0.203 to 0.387 and the inertia rates from 3.488 to 6.068%.The contribution of the first five axes to the inertia of the point cloud is 33,944, the characterization of the groupings specified that the group 1 is characterized by the surveys carried out in the sandy soils according to the factorial plane 1-2 represented by the dominance of Thymelea microphylla, Stipa tenacissima, with a dominant northern exposure with an average vegetation cover of 30%. Group 2 collects the surveys carried out on the salty soils with north-west exposure; it is the vegetation specific to the chott, grouping of Hyperhalophils with Halocnemum strobilaceum, Arthrocnemum indicum, presenting a medium recovery of vegetation of 20%. Group 3 includes salty soil surveys with southern exposure. This is the grouping of halophiles on hydromorphic soils at Juncusmaritimus. It is represented by Spergularia salina, Peganum harmala, Bellis annua, Arthrophytum scoparium, Atriplex halimus, with a recovery of 32%. The Shannon index (H ') and regularity (R) are respectively of the order of 2.05 and 0.33. This shows that individuals are distributed in a heterogeneous way. As for the regularity, it is 0.33, lower than the average. The rate of Cham�phytes observed in groups 1 and 3 remains slightly high with a respective percentage of 31.49% and 32.82%. Therophytes are dominant in groups 1 and 2.The analysis of this biological diversity underlined the role of annual species within these formations, in particular (Th�rophytes 39%). For the chorological level, the Mediterranean held the first place with (42%), followed by the Saharo-Arabique region (20%), and the multi-regional (12%). Conclusion: The results of this study explain the interpretation of the vegetation by the relevance factors that permitted to define the affinities between the different groups, the impact of anthropic action was widely expressed by degradation and rapid substitution of the rug vegetal species. Future prospects: These species deserve special attention, they represent a heritage, they need protection and preservation of their habitat, if no conservation measures are taken, we can help a beginning of substitution of some species by others, or their final disappearance and this will lead to desertification.
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