Ponte Academic Journal
Mar 2016, Volume 72, Issue 3

Bioremediation of Soil Irrigated with Sewage Effluent Benefitting New Kinetic Tactics

Author(s): Hussein Abouziena ,M. Saber, E. Hoballah, Soad El-Ashry, Wafaa M. Hggag, A. Zaghloul

J. Ponte - Mar 2016 - Volume 72 - Issue 3
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2016.3.8

Interdisciplinary approach using microbial enhancers [Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM)], chemical stabilizer (probentonite) and phytoremediation with Brassica napus and Brassica juncea Czern was evaluated at Abou-Rawash farm in soil ecosystem irrigated with sewage effluent for 30 years for the sake of lowering Zn equivalent from 630 to a save level (less than 250). The experiment was conducted for four months in a complete randomize plot design with three replicate for each treatment. Results confirmed that canola hyper-accumulator plant was more effective than Mustard plant particularly on the uptake of Ni compared to either copper or zinc. Inoculation with A. thiooxidans and AM significantly enhanced the ability of trailed hyper-accumulator plants to uptake the studied PTE's. Nevertheless, according to the kinetic parameters, the mixture of all remediative amendments was the best treatment in minimizing Zn equivalent value to a save level. Different mechanisms took place between trailed remediative amendments in the soil ecosystem were discussed.
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